2024 Volleyball Regionals
By Kristy Lutes | Oct 21, 2024 12:09 PM

Northview will play Roncalli starting at 1:00 on Saturday at Cascade: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wX4DvR2bTtzpQkgC9 Please enter door #38. ADMISSION: IHSAA Digital Tickets or Card at Gate (NO CASH). $10 session tickets plus small convenience fee. Gates will open 1 hour before each match. Ticket Link - https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=99056 RESTROOMS/CONCESSIONS: Restrooms and concessions are located upstairs in the gym. Concessions will accept cash or card. RESTRICTIONS: Principals should inform student and adult fans of the following tourney restrictions: A. Balloons, banners and/or posters (including fatheads), shakers on sticks, etc. are not permitted. B. Cowbells and other such noise devices are not permitted. C. No live animal mascots are permitted. D. "Line-up" lanes of fans shall not be permitted on the playing floor at any time. E. Carry-in radios, cassette and tape decks, etc., are not permitted in the gymnasium. F. No solicitations shall be permitted, including donations, contributions, and aggressive vending of school spirit items